
Showing posts from November, 2024

2024 Content Update

Hello my friends, and welcome back to my blog.  One of the reasons I initially set this blog up, besides sharing things that maybe wouldn't work as podcast episodes, was to place updates for my content in a central place. As we are fast approaching the end of 2024, and I am becoming much more productive recently, I wanted to share a bit more about everything I'm working on here at Garhdo Towers, which could help give you an idea of when things might make their way to you, my lovely audience. I'm taking the view that there are six weeks left before we hit Christmas and New Year, and with a lot of current events being the way they are I want to focus on my work for the benefit of my own mental health. The bonus of that is it means I can work on a lot more content! However that said I don't want to promise when these new releases will be in those six weeks, simply because this has been a bit of an issue for me in the past, and rushing to make or missing deadlines just lead...